Facts on organic farming जैविक खेती पर तथ्य Organic food is food that has been grown or processed without synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.
Facts on Pizza पिज्जा पर तथ्य The biggest pizza in recorded history was prepared by Dovilio Nardi, Andrea Manocchi, Marco Nardi, Matteo Nardi and Matteo Giannotte in Rome, Italy, on 13 December 2012.
Facts on pyramids पिरामिड पर तथ्य एक अनुमान के अनुसार गिज़ा के पिरामिड को बनाने में 23 लाख पत्थर के टकड़ो का इस्तेमाल हुआ है जिनका वज़न 2 से 30 टन और कुछ का वजन 45000 किलो तक था।
Facts on Penguins Facts on Penguins In some species, it is the male penguin which incubates the egs while females leave to hunt for weeks at a time. Because of this, pudgy males- with enough fat storage to survive weeks without eating-are most desirable.
Facts on pit bull गड्ढे बैल पर तथ्य These dogs were bred to fight other dogs and animals, combining the strength of the English Bulldog with the gameness (fearless nature) of a terrier.