Amazing & Interesting Facts | रोचक तथ्य

Facts on ShinChan, शीन चैन पर तथ्य
Facts on ShinChan शीन चैन पर तथ्य

Shin chan full name is Shinnosuke Nohara.

Facts on Teachers, शिक्षकों पर तथ्य
Facts on Teachers शिक्षकों पर तथ्य

Teachers understand that the importance of school finance and the role it plays in eeducation, but wish that money was never an issue.

Facts on Tom & Jerry, टॉम एंड जेरी पर तथ्य
Facts on Tom & Jerry टॉम एंड जेरी पर तथ्य

Tom & Jerry won their 1st Oscar in 1941. They have won 7 Oscars in total.

Facts on shadow, छाया पर तथ्य
Facts on shadow छाया पर तथ्य

If the object is close to the light source, the shadow is large.

Facts on Tongue, जीभ पर तथ्य
Facts on Tongue जीभ पर तथ्य

Tongue is not the only place where taste buds live. Taste buds can also be found on the inside of our cheeks, on lips, on the roof of our mouth and even under the tongue.

Facts on Titanic, टाइटैनिक पर तथ्य
Facts on Titanic टाइटैनिक पर तथ्य

31 मई, 1911, जब इसका उद्घाटन हुआ था उस समय टाइटैनिक को देखने के लिए 100,000 लोग एकत्रित हुए थे।

Facts on Tea, चाय पर तथ्य
Facts on Tea चाय पर तथ्य

Tea first arrived in Canada in 1716. It was imported by the Hudson Bay Company. It took over a year for it to arrive.

Facts on taj mahal, ताजमहल पर तथ्य
Facts on taj mahal ताजमहल पर तथ्य

About 28 types of precious and semi-precious stones were used for adorning the Taj and they were sourced from Tibet, China, Sri Lanka and some parts of India.

Facts on Tomatoes, टमाटर पर तथ्य
Facts on Tomatoes टमाटर पर तथ्य

There is no point thinking that ripe tomatoes will be red. There are white, black, purple, pink and yellow ripe tomatoes.

Facts on Taurus, वृषभ पर तथ्य
Facts on Taurus वृषभ पर तथ्य

Taurus maybe cool, calm and collected but get on their bad side and you'll experience hell on earth.

Facts on shakespeare, शेक्सपियर पर तथ्य
Facts on shakespeare शेक्सपियर पर तथ्य

Shakespeare is widely considered the world’s greatest dramatist.

Facts on Telephone, टेलीफोन पर तथ्य
Facts on Telephone टेलीफोन पर तथ्य

Telephones grew quickly, from one phone in 1876 to 11 million phones nationwide by 1915, only in US.

Facts on Time, समय पर तथ्य
Facts on Time समय पर तथ्य

The strontium atomic clock is the most accurate clock ever built.

Facts on Titanium, टाइटेनियम पर तथ्य
Facts on Titanium टाइटेनियम पर तथ्य

He found black and magnetic sand which looked similar to the gunpowder. It was ilmenite – a mixture consisting of oxides of Titanium and Iron.