Gandhi fought for much more than independence. His causes included civil rights for women, the abolition of the caste system, and the fair treatment of all people regardless of religion. His mother and father had different religious traditions.
Gandhi demanded fair treatment for the untouchables, India’s lowest caste; he underwent several fasts to support the cause. He called the untouchables harijans, which means "children of God."
Government nutritionists were called in to explain how Gandhi could go 21 days without food.
The British government wouldn't allow official photos of Gandhi while he was fasting, for fear of further fueling the push for independence.
Gandhi was actually a philosophical anarchist and wanted no established government in India. He felt that if everyone adopted nonviolence and a good moral code they could be self-governing.
One of Mahatma Gandhi's most outspoken political critics was Winston Churchill.
Through a prearranged marriage, Gandhi was wed at age 13; his wife, Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia, was one year older. They were married 62 years.
Gandhi and his wife had their first child when he was 16 years old. That child died a few days later, but the couple did have four sons before he took a vow of celibacy.
Despite being famous for nonviolence and involvement in the Indian independence movement, Gandhi actually recruited Indians to fight for Britain during World War I. He opposed India's involvement in World War II.
Gandhi attended law school in London and was famous among the faculty for his bad handwriting.
Mahatma Gandhi’s image has appeared on all denominations of Indian rupees printed since 1996.
Gandhi lived for 21 years in South Africa. He was imprisoned there many times as well.
Gandhi denounced Gandhism and did not want to create a cult-like following. He also conceded that he had “...nothing new to teach the world. Truth and nonviolence are as old as the hills.”
An urn that once contained Mahatma Gandhi's ashes is now at a shrine in Los Angeles, California.
गांधी जी की मातृ-भाषा गुजराती थी।
गांधी जी ने अल्फ्रेड हाई स्कूल, राजकोट से पढ़ाई की थी।
गांधी जी का जन्मदिन 2 अक्टूबर अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंहिसा दिवस के रूप मे विश्वभर में मनाया जाता है।
गांधी जयंती क्यों मनाई जाती है और इसका क्या महत्व है?
वह अपने माता-पिता के सबसे छोटी संतान थे उनके दो भाई और एक बहन थी।
गांधी जी के पिता धार्मिक रूप से हिंदू तथा जाति से मोध बनिया थे।
माधव देसाई, गांधी जी के निजी सचिव थे।
गांधी जी की हत्या बिरला भवन के बगीचे में हुई थी।
गांधी जी और प्रसिध्द लेखक लियो टोलस्टोय के बीच लगातार पत्र व्यवहार होता था।
गांधी जी ने दक्षिण अफ्रीका के सत्याग्रह संघर्ष के दोरान , जोहांसबर्ग से 21 मील दूर एक 1100 एकड़ की छोटी सी कालोनी, टॉलस्टॉय फार्म स्थापित की थी।
गांधी जी का जन्म शुक्रवार को हुआ था, भारत को स्वतंत्रता शुक्रवार को ही मिली थी तथा गांधी जी की हत्या भी शुक्रवार को ही हुई थी।
Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Karamchand was the name of his father. The honorific title Mahatma, or "Great Soul," was given to him in 1914.
Gandhi is often called Bapu in India, a term of endearment that means "father."