Facts on shadow, छाया पर तथ्य

FACTS ON SHADOW, छाया पर तथ्य


If the object is close to the light source, the shadow is large.


A shadow happens when an object blocks the sun’s rays. Shadows are longer in the winter because of the angle of the sun.


Your shadow is longest in the early morning and in the late afternoon. In the afternoon, when the sun is directly above you, your shadow leaves your side for a little while.


When the sun is directly above you, there is little or no shadow because the light from the sun is falling upon you from all the sides and there is hardly any dark region.


Does everything has a shadow? Take a look around and see what all things form shadows. You will notice that swings, trees, cars, tables and almost everything else has a shadow.


Is there anything that doesn't have a shadow? Some objects, such as glass, are transparent. Light can shine through them. Some light shines through translucent objects, such as a balloon or sheet of wax paper.


The smaller the angle between an elongated object and the direction of the light is, the shorter the shadow is.


On the other hand, the smaller the angle between the direction of the light and the surface on which the shadow occurs is, the longer the shadow is.


Light cannot shine through opaque objects and you can’t see through them. Opaque objects, including a desk, bath towel or blanket, are solid.


A long time ago, people observed the way shadows were formed by the sun and utilized this principle in making the world’s most primitive clocks, the sundials.


If the surface is curved there are further distortions.


For non-point sources of light, the shadow is divided into the umbra and penumbra. The wider the light source, the more blurred the shadow.


If there are multiple light sources there are multiple shadows, with overlapping parts darker. For a person or object touching the surface, like a person standing on the ground, or a pole in the ground, these converge at the point of touch.