I wish you joy all though your holidays,I wish you good luck that forever stays.I wish you the love of family and friends,I wish you happy days that never ever ends.
Wish You Merry Christmas to All
├М wish ├Ъ this Chr├нstm├аs enriches ur l├нfe
M├аy e├аch day b h├аppy & br├нght,
├Уverfl├▓w├нng with ple├аsure & l├▓ve
M├аy ur Chr├нstm├аs be filled with del├нght
No matter what has happened.No matter what you have done.No matter what you will do.I will always love you.I swear it. Happy Christmas!!
Chritmas ka yeh pyara tyohaarJeevan mein laye khushiyan apaar,Santa clause aaye aapke dwar,Subhkamna hamari kare sweekar.Merry Christmas.