The year gone by has beenBitter sweet for our familyBut let this New Year bringOnly joyful memories andRinging of laughter our way,And let us continue beingEach other’s pillar of supportEven in the times to come.
Nayi chahte, nayi umange..
Mann mein h ek khuwab naya sa
Nayi hai saal, naya hai din
Rakho andaaz ese jine ka pyara sa.
New Year Eve is here.Time for us to cheerWith our near and dearWishing happiness and prosperityBe with you throughout the year.
आपको आशीर्वाद मिले गणेशजी से
विद्या मिले सरस्वती माता से
खुशिया मिले इस रब से
और प्यार मिले सब से
ये दुआ है हमरे दिल से
” न्यू ईयर मुबारक हो ”