May this holiday season be packed with
delicious foods, great gifts, and unlimited
laughter for your family! Happy Christmas
Ì wish Ú this Chrístmàs enriches ur lífe
Mày eàch day b hàppy & bríght,
Óverflòwíng with pleàsure & lòve
Mày ur Chrístmàs be filled with delíght
"God made
Christmas happen;
Friends make
Christmas beautiful,
Music makes
Christmas festive;
giving makes
Christmas joyous,
love make
Christmas complete..."
May the closeness of friends, the comfort of home, and the unity of our nation, renew your spirits this festive season. Merry Christmas to your family.
From home to home and heart to heart,From one place to another,The warmth and joy of Christmas,Brings us closer to each other.