Smoking is injurious to health; don’t give your life into hand of tobacco.
Smoking eats our body slowly which we don’t feel for long time!
Don’t smoke! There are many activities you can enjoy in life.
Keep the key of life in your hands, don’t give it to tobacco.
Smoking is eating our body from inside; don’t be used to of it.
Your life is in your hands, but smoker’s life in tobacco hand.
Tobacco is killing us, don’t let it kill you!
We are burning cigarettes; it is what we are doing!
Eliminate tobacco from your life before it kills you!
We need to burn calories daily, not tobacco!
Smoking is a definite killer, why you don’t understand!
Smoking makes our life shorter and diseased.
Stop smoking! If you really want to live a long and healthy life.
Burn calories not your body through smoking.
Eliminate smoking from your life, not yourself from life.