Job Options in Archaeology

Job Options in Archaeology

India has a long and rich cultural historydating back thousands of years. There is always a demand for qualified archaeologists to work on new archaeological projects inthis area. 

Experienced instructors, curators, and conservators are also in high demand. Universities and colleges around the country are addressing this demand admirably.

Archaeology is an interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on the study of older human society’s material development. The goal of this field is to identify, survey, and excavate historical places in order to learn more about past human cultures.


For a better understanding of archaeology principles, a bachelor's degree in history, sociology, or anthropology is recommended. After that you can go for post-graduation in this field. One can also study post graduate diploma.

After this you can pursue a doctorate degree or take up a lectureship at a university after meeting the University Grants Commission's (UGC) requirements in this respect.


Archaeology - The study of plant remains to determine agricultural methods, people's eating habits, and climatic conditions at that

Archaeometry - In this field we apply Analytical engineering principles and methods are applied to archaeology

Archaeozoology — A branch of archaeology that studies animal remains and related topics such as health, domestication, and hunting activities.

Battlefield Archaeolog-- It is a thorough investigation of well-known battlegrounds.

Environmental Archaeology — Investigates how the environment influenced historical societies and vice versa.

Ethno Archaeology - Using contemporary ethnological or anthropological data to obtain insight into historical societies.

Experimental Archaeology — Replicating obsolete artifacts and processes to gain a better understanding of how they function.

Underwater archaeology- It is another name for marine archaeology. The goal of this research is to look for shipwrecks and learn about the cultures that flourished along the coast.

Paleontology - This field of science is concerned with the study of life forms that existed on the planet prior to the arrival of modern man.

Prehistoric Archaeology — Archaeologists whose primary interest is in studying prehistoric or prehistoric human customs.

Urban Archaeology — A branch of archaeology that focuses on the study of urban centers or cities.

Geo-Archaeology- It is concerned with the examination of soil and rock samples in order to discover changes in geological and environmental circumstances.

Archaeologists must travel across the country from one excavation site to the next. They may also be called upon to assist with international excavation initiatives. They can also pursue permanent posts in foreign countries as lecturers, professors, conservators, museum curators, and so on, depending on their expertise and area of specialization.