6 Ways to Color Your Hair Naturally, Use These Natural Dyes
Natural hair colors are way better thanchemical ones. They only only destroy your hairs but can also stop hair growth.Natural hair dyes, which frequently employ products you already have on hand,are one method to avoid toxic chemicals.
Here are some homemade methods to make a dye at your home and have glamorous hairs.
Cinnamon hydrates the scalp and restores hair's natural sheen while also giving it a natural reddish-brown hue.
Mix 12 cup cinnamon with 12 cup conditioner for mild reddish-brown hair. As a mask, apply this combination and leave it on for 45-60 minutes. Use a gentle shampoo to remove it.
Sage is an excellent option if you have dark brown or black hair and want to darken it up a touch. It can help cover unsightly grey hairs while also deepening the colors of brunette hair.
In a boiling water, steep 1/2 to 1 cup dried sage for at least 30 minutes. (The darker the colour, the longer you leave it to steep.)Allow the water to cool before straining the sage.Pour the sage water over your hair for as long as possible after you've washed and towel-dried it.Allow at least 15 minutes for the hue to develop before washing it away.

Here are some homemade methods to make a dye at your home and have glamorous hairs.
Beetroots are well-known for their vibrant color, but they also promote blood flow to the scalp, making hair healthy and bouncy.
Cut the beets into tiny pieces and combine 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon coconut oil in a bowl for a purplish-burgundy effect. Pour the mixture through a sieve into a jar container for a smoother texture. Simply leave the mixture on your hair for 60 minutes before rinsing it out with a light wash and conditioner, and you'll have purple-tinted smooth hair at home.
Coffee is a natural hair tonic that stimulates cell growth and darkens light grey hair to a natural colour without the need of chemicals.
Mix 12 cup brewed espresso with 12 cup conditioner and 1 tablespoon coffee grinds. Apply it as a mask and leave it on for 60 minutes before rinsing it off.
Food coloring is completely safe for your hair because it is food-grade and chemical-free, and the conditioner will nourish and soften your hair.
Mix a few drops of any food coloring of your choosing into 12 cup of thick conditioner. You can make it brighter by adding additional food coloring, or keep it light and airy by keeping it pastel. Apply the dye to the targeted spots and let it sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.
Carrots are high in vitamin A and have been shown to increase hair growth and thickness.
Combine 1 tablespoon coconut or olive oil with 1 tablespoon carrot juice for a reddish-orange color. Wrap the mixture around the desired sections with a plastic sheet and let aside for at least 60 minutes. For a lovely reddish-orange hue and shinier hair, rinse it out with apple cider vinegar.