4 Solid Reasons Why People Suffer By Heart-Attack In Winter

4 Solid Reasons Why People Suffer By Heart-Attack In Winter

People regard winter to be their favorite season;it is also when the majority of heart attacks occur. This is the main cause ofdeath these days. Here are the reasons of high rate of heart attack in winters.


While there is no single cause, many experts believe that one of the causes for the increase in heart attacks is due to our bodies' physiology and how a drop in temperature affects the heart. Several studies have found an increased risk of strokes, heart failure, cardiovascular difficulties, arrhythmias, and abnormalities during the winter months.

During the winter, the sympathetic nervous system of the body becomes more active, constricting the blood vessels, a condition known as 'vasoconstriction.' When this happens, blood pressure rises and the heart has to work harder to pump blood to the various regions of the body. Furthermore, the colder months can make it harder to maintain body heat, resulting in hypothermia, which can cause serious damage to the heart's blood arteries.


The cold chills can be a real pain to deal with in the winter. When the temperature drops, the body has to work twice as hard to regulate heat, which puts a strain on the heart's ability to perform. If you're already a heart patient or have a history of heart attacks, you're at a higher risk. The body's oxygen requirements also increase during the winter months. Reduced levels of oxygen enter the heart as a result of vasoconstriction, increasing the risk of a heart attack.

Physical inactivity

With the arrival of winter, there may be an increase in factors that increase the risk of a heart attack. Colder temperatures may make it difficult or impossible for folks to get out and be physically active, which is hazardous for their hearts. Food habits and consumption can vary, and a higher intake of cholesterol-raising foods can have a negative influence on heart health and arteries. Not to mention, your stress levels and other preoccupations can increase your overall risks.


Particulate Matter (PM) levels in the air can increase inflammation and cause cardiac problems when smog and pollution levels rise. Anecdotal data has shown that high levels of pollution are linked to a stunning 69 percent increase in cardiovascular fatalities, as well as a spike in mortality rates. All of these variables, combined with inherited risks and a lack of health awareness, can increase the risk of heart attack during the winter months.