GST Jokes | Page: 2

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Wife: Now-a-days, people are talking very much about GST. What is this GST? She asks her husband.

Husband: It is not so easy to understand. Okay, listen to me; I will try to explain with a very simple example of my life.

When I was not married, if I came home at late night, first I had to give explanation to my sister at the door why I was so late. Then, it is to my mother and lastly to my father. Now after marriage, if I get late, I need not give explanation for three times, only single explanation to you solves the problem. 

This is the brief idea about GST. Now are you clear?

W3mirchi Team
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images

आप कुँवारे हो और जो कमाते हों उसमे से अपने माता पिता भाई बहिन भतीजा भांजा को पैसे देते हो, पर शादी के बाद यही पैसे अपनी पत्नी को देते हैं 
बस यही है  GST
G.   घरवाली
S.   सर्विस
T.    टेक्स

W3mirchi Team
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images

1000 लड़कियां सदमे मे है , और 500 कौमा में चली गई क्युंकि किसी ने अफवाह फैला दी थी कि....,
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