Positive Thoughts In Hindi | पॉजिटिव थॉट्स (सकारात्मक सुविचार) Page: 9

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Trees Quotes

“Someone is sitting in the shade 

today because someone planted 

a tree a long time ago.”

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Teamwork Quotes (टीमवर्क कोट्स)

“[Teamwork] is the fuel that allows common

people to attain uncommon results.”

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Time Quotes (समय कोट्स)

Time changes everything except something

within us which is always surprised by change.

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Yoga Quotes (योगा कोट्स)

“ध्यान का बीज बोएं और

मन की शांति का फल पाएं।”